지역예선이 열렸던 Amherst 스케이팅 클럽 게시판에 올라온 섹셔널 응원 문구를 인용하자면
"Only 3% of all skaters make it to this level! SKATE
노비스, 주니어, 시니어 부분에서 남여싱글, 페어, 아댄을 통틀어 Amherst 스케이팅 클럽에서 섹셔널에 진출한 선수는
단 2명입니다. (그 중에 한명이 이번 주니어 여싱에 출전하는 Jordan Bauth 입니다. 주니어 여싱 경기는 특히 치열하기도 했고,
인상깊게 봐서, 따로 포스팅을 할 생각입니다.)
먼저 주요 출전 선수들에 대한 간략한 소개를 하겠습니다.
(Sr Ladies)
14명 Samantha Cesario (Black
Swan, 이번시즌 JGP 동메달 두번, 주니어 그랑프리 종합순위 7위로 아쉽게 JGPF 탈락, 지난 시즌
동부지부예선 1위였으나, 내셔널 전 갑작스런 부상으로 내셔널 기권) Joelle Forte (11년 내셔널
시니어 9위, 총점 149.28, Skate America 출전 8위 기록) Yasmin
Siraj (JGP 라트비아에서 5위였으나, 뉴잉글랜드 지역예선에서 무려 총점
185.70 기록!! (64.26/ 121/44) 지역예선에서 3-3은 없었으나 3Lz, 3T, 3S 모두 클린
랜딩, 3F만 감점)
(Jr Ladies)
12명 Jordan Bauth (NA 지역예선 1위,
클린 프리 프로그램으로 총점 132.13 기록, 11년 내셔널 노비스 11위)
Jessica Hu (South Atlantic 예선에서 137.31으로 1위, 노비스 지부예선에서 2년
연속 5위로 내셔널 진출 실패)
(Sr Men)
10명 Stephen Carriere (07년 주니어
월챔, 두 시즌 부상후 다시 컴백, 아이스 챌린지 대회에서 4T
랜딩하며 총점 215.20 기록)
Wesley Campbell (11년 내셔널 14위, 총점 176.69)
(Jr men) 12명 Emmanuel Savary
(피겨신동으로 불리는 98년생 주니어,10년 내셔널 노비스 만12세로 2위, JGP 라트비아 14위로 부진) Timothy Dolensky
(이준형 선수를 제치고 동메달을 따서 우리에게 익숙한 이름, JGP 라트비아
3위) Harrison Choate (JGP 루마니아 6위)
얼핏 보면 엔트리가 조금 약해보이는데요.
사실 Pacific Coast과 Midwestern에 비해 최근
밀리고 있는 것도 사실이구요.
그리고 그랑프리 파이널 진출자들과
국제 대회 일정이 겹치는 스케이터들
월챔/올림픽 포디움 입상자 (에반 라이사첵이 여기에 해당)
그리고 지난 시즌 내셔널 5위 안에 든 선수들은
지역, 지부 예선 없이 내셔널에 직접 진출합니다.
우리가 이름을 익히 들은 알리사 시즈니, 레이첼 플랫, 미라이 나가수, 애슐리 와그너, 에반 라이사첵, 제레미 애봇은
위의 사항에 하나 혹은 두개가 해당되어 지역, 지부 예선을 거치지 않습니다.
참고로 지난 번 스케이트 아메리카에서 부진했던 Caroline Zhang은
내서널 직접 진출권을 얻지 못해서, 지부 예선에 참가 해야 하는데요.
Pacific Coast 지부 예선에서 58.11의 점수로 쇼트를 마친 현재 1위를 기록 했습니다.
(캐롤라인 장은 결국 프리에서 부진해서 2위를 기록했습니다. 1위는 Leah Keiser가 차지)
여자 시니어 쇼트
Jasmin Siraj
쇼트는 "Daphnis et Chloé"(by Maurice Ravel)이었는데,
활주와 스피드가 인상적이었습니다.
감성적인 멜로디에 어울리는
특히 상체와 팔의 동작이 인상적인
섬세한 안무와 스핀이 특히 좋았습니다.
하지만 럿츠는 더블로 처리해서 감점을 당합니다.
동부지부예선 대신 지역예선 유튜브 영상이 있네요. 링크합니다.
Samantha Cesario는 카르멘을 연기했는데요.
커다란 빨간 꽃을 뒷머리에 꽂고,
강렬한 안무를 선보였습니다.
점프의 높이는 괜찮고,
전체적인 느낌도 좋았는데,
롱엣지 판정을 받았습니다.
Haley Dunne은 특징있는 연기를 보여준 것은 아니었지만,
안정적인 점프 컨시를 보여주며 (3F+2T, 3T, 2A)
Forte를 제치고 3위에 올라섰습니다.
Joelle Forte는
"태양의 서커스" 음악에 맞추어 안정된 연기를 보여줬습니다.
다른 스케이터들이 은퇴하기 시작하는 20대 초반의 나이에
다시 재기에 성공한 모습이
왠지 구도자 같은 느낌까지 주더군요.
침착하게 경기에 임하는 모습이 인상적이었습니다.
여자 주니어 쇼트
섹셔날만 오면 날아다니는 근성의 Nocole
역시 다시 섹셔널에서 근성을 보여줬습니다.
영어로 "guts" 라고 하는, 중요한 대회에서 떨지 않는 끈기 혹은 담력이
멘탈 스포츠이기도 한 피겨에서는 더더욱 중요한 것 같습니다.
3Lz, 3S+2T, 2A의 랜딩에 모두 성공하며
섹셔널의 선수로 다시 한번 등장했습니다..
Rajic 선수는 작년, 올해 North Atlantic Regional에서 4위로
겨우 섹셔널에 진출했는데요.
게다가 지난 2년동안의 섹셔널에서는
쇼트에서 4위 이하를 한 이후에
프리를 선전하며 4위 안에 들어
모두 내셔널에 진출 했습니다.
이번에는 쇼트부터 5위와 거의 10점의 점수를 벌려놓아서,
쇼트가 끝난 상황에서 벌써 내셔널 진출이 유력합니다.
쇼트 2위를 차지만 Jessica Hu 선수는 웜업 때 특히 점프의 높이와 거리가 좋아서
눈에 확 띄었어요.
웜업 때 트리플도 자신있게 뛰면서 다 랜딩했구요.
그런데 실전에 와서 그만 트리플 러츠에서 스텝아웃 하면서
감점을 당했습니다.
하지만 3Lo과 2A이 연습은 물론, 실전에서도 깨끗한 정석 점프를 보여줬습니다.
Lz도 도입은 아주깔끔했습니다.
김연아 선수의 프로그램으로 유명한 Danse Macabre를 별다른 무리 없이
강렬한 안무로 보여줬습니다.
앞으로 주목해야 할 선수입니다.
3위는 Allison Timlen선수가
3Lz를 더블로 처리하고, 3Lo+2Lo 콤피 점프에서 앞의 3Lo를 다운그레이드 당했지만
스핀에서 강점을 보이며 점수를 만회했습니다.
4위를 차지한 North Atlantic regional 1위
Jordan Bauth선수는 3Lz를 롱에지로 들어가서 더블로 처리했습니다.
성숙한 표현력이 돋보였습니다.
Jr 여자싱글은 2위에서 7위까지가 6점 이내라 1위인 Rajic 선수를 제외한 나머지 선수들은
프리가 끝나봐야 내셔널 진출여부를 알 수 있게 되었습니다.
남자 시니어
Stephen Carriere는 역시 오랜만의 복귀라서,
주목을 받더군요.
점프가 깨끗한 착지가 없었지만,
표현력과 활주는 단연 돋보였습니다.
점프의 높이와 속도가 좋아, 시즌이 지날수록
더 좋아 질 것 같다는 생각이 들었어요.
Wesley Campbell
선수의 큰 신장을 이용한 점프와 스핀도 눈에 뜨었습니다.
남자 주니어
앞에서 이야기했듯이
JGP 삼인방이 날았습니다.
Harrison Choate가 선전했는데요.
특히 음악이 "세르비아의 이발사"라서
복장과 안무 모두 이준형 선수를 떠올리게 했습니다.
3F+2T, 3Lz, 2A를 깔끔하게 성공시키며 59.42를 기록하며 쇼트 1위를 차지합니다.
I originally wrote this posting in Korean in early May and translated it today to keep my promise with Jessica and Kathy.
When I saw around at Youtube, I happened to find London Olympics advertisement by P&G at Gracie Gold’s Youtube channel.
She checked the video as “like.”
I thought P&G launched Olympic Advertisement so early because Mother’s day was approaching.
While South Korea has parent’s day on May 8th in every year, the U.S. celebrates mother’s day and father’s day separately.
(Mother’s day is the second Sunday in May and Father’s day is the third Sunday in June. Actually, I think Father’s day doesn’t draw many attention…alas..)
In December 2010, I stayed in the U.S. That was my first winter in the U.S.
The P&G's advertisement for London Olympics reminded me of its ads during 2010 Winter Olympic Games.
"Kids" - 2010 Winter Olympics Commercial
Never Walk Alone - 2010 Winter Olympics Commercial
At last season, I had many opportunities to meet and chat with figure skating moms at rinks, when I watched figure skating competitions in person.
I would like to tell those stories.
1) An usual figure skating Mom
When I visited a skating rink at competition, I happened to meet many figure skating moms.
Interestingly, skaters resemble their mom.
Like Mother, like daughter!
There are no skaters who are not sincere, if they have good mom.
I could meet many figure skating moms at Korean Nationals. Fortunately, I happened to meet many sincere and considerate people.
Just before senior free skate, a woman stood behind the stands because there were no vacant seat.
A man in front of her, said hi to her and offered his seat to the lady. Even though she refused courteously many times, he finally stood up and made a room for her.
However, the seat was located at the corner of the row, if she seated herself, which would made others in the row stand up.
The audiences at the row told her to go by, but she tried to jump over the chair not to bother other audiences but it was not easy to jump.
Finally, instead of jumping she nearly put herself in between seats and walls and made herself seated at the seat.
Although it was resurfacing time, she didn’t want to bother other audiences. As soon as she seated herself, I finally could recognize her.
She is Yuna Kim’s mother. Me-Hee Park, the CEO of All That Skate company in charge of publicity of the Nationals.
PS. After I posted this, I could find other postings about Yuna’s mom at the Nationals. Not only I but also other figure skating fans had been also touched by her attitude.
2) “I just hope she is injury free and enjoy skating”
Fortunately, last October, I could go and watch US North Atlantic Regional, which was held at a rink near from my house.
The impressive skater at the Regionals is neither the regional champion nor the skaters who advanced to Sectionals but a skater who placed 13th and failed to qualify for Sectionals.
The reason why I remember the skater is that I happened to be seated next to her mom and chat with her.
When I watched Sasha Zheng Gonzalez’s short program, I wondered why she skated so cautiously.
After her short program, her mother told me that she had gotten serious injury at her foot and three months had not passed since he came back to rink.
She said, “I am so proud that she came back in spite of her injury.”
She added, “I just hope she is injury free and enjoy skating” and “Sasha hopes to continue her skating as a competitor even after coming through her injury.”
Sasha was a senior at a high school in New Jersey and practiced at a skating club at New York.
On the last day of Regionals, Sasha appeared at Senior Free Skating.
Sasha’s mom told that they already checked out to come back home, because they need time to prepare Sasha’s application for university.
It seemed tough that Sasha and her mother juggled her study and skating I realized that figure skating mom’s life is not easy anywhere.
At free skating, Sasha didn’t show good jumps. Her mother was watching her daughter’s free skate with nervousness.
When I saw her,
I realized each skater could be recognized by detached figure skating fans according to their scores, but anyhow they are the most beautiful skaters for their each mom.
Since then, I stopped assessing rotation of Sasha’s jump and just cheered for her.
When I watched her and her mother’s smile after competing, I was sure what figure skating meant to them.
After competition, Sasha and her friends took a picture at the rink. I wished if I would watch her performance at the next regionals again.
I cannot wait to see a college student skater, Sasha at a rink.
3) Butterflies in Her Stomach
Fortunately again, 2011-2012 Eastern Sectional was held at Jamestown, NY.
I thought it would not happen again that Regionals and Sectionals were held so near from my house within 10 years from now.
I couldn’t miss this good opportunity to see sectionals in person.
At the Eastern Sectionals, I found a brilliant skater who has good jumps at an official practice.
She is Jessica Hu, a junior skater from North Carolina.
Among junior competitors at Eastern Sectionals, she got the highest score at her Regionals, 137.37.
Even though she had to elaborate her artistry and choreography, she got good height and distance in her jumps.
At the official practice, I happened to find a woman watching Jessica carefully. She looked like Jessica’s mom. She seemed so anxious while watching her daughter’s practice.
Before going to James Town, I already checked most competitors’ past competition records. I learned that Jessica had already failed in qualifying Nationals at novice level two times as 5th place.
The difference between 4th place and 5th place is just one but you can imagine easily what the difference means. Going Nationals or going home.
Even at 2009-2010 sectionals, she placed 4th at both short skating and free skating but unfortunately placed 5th overall.
Jessica’s mom reminded me of a familiar woman, my mom.
Because I cannot forget the facial expression of my mom’s, when I left home to take my Korean SAT examination.
I had already failed in getting admission two times from the university and that was my third attempt. Then, a South Korean high school student could only apply for a college at one time.
If he or she didn’t get admission, he or she had to wait for one year as skaters have to wait for Nationals.
Her facial expression overlapped with my mother’s face then.
Jessica’s short skating was to start.
Jessica made mistakes on her triple Lutz which she had succeeded in landing in previous practices.
She got 44.33 which is 5 lower than her score at regionals.
She placed 2nd after short program but difference from 2nd place to 9th place was just within 10 points.
The result of free skating would decide who would qualify for the Nationals.
It was a shame for Jessica not to get higher scores, because she has a strong point at triple Lutz.
Also she must have got pressure, because she had jinxed previous sectionals.
On the next day, just after Jessica finished her official practice, I happened to meet Jessica and her mother at the fast food restaurant next to Rink.
She was scheduled to compete at free skating.
I just would like to encourage her, because I remember how I felt at my third SAT attempt.
However, I am so shy that I hesitated. Finally I talked to her.
“You must be Jessica Hu. right? Can I take a picture of you?” She said with bright smile, “Of course” and posed for a picture.
After taking a picture, I said to her, “Your short program was so great and impressive. I saw your jumps through the official practice this morning.
I am sure you will deliver at your free skating.”
She answered, “Thank you so much. I will”
After Jessica left to prepare for her free program, her mother and I talked about her previous sectionals.
Jessica's mom, Kathy told me that it is so tough in competing at Eastern Sectionals because the field was so deep, and added that she already experienced failures two times.
I said, “I am sure that this time she will advance to Nationals, don’t worry, she will deliver”
Kathy didn’t seat herself before Jessica skated at free skate. She stood at back of the stands.
Jessica was appearing on the rink for warm-up as last group. She looked so nervous.
Jessica was the first skater at the last group. She was posing for her free skating.
Jessica seemed to fight with Butterflies in her stomach through her free skating.
She landed her triple Lutz, her strong point
But, she faltered at her triple Salchow. She began being melt down gradually, as if she forgot her decent jumps. Haste choreography and distracted extensions followed.
She was not able to show what she really could do.
Jessica seemed disappointed.
She got 125.59 as overall scores which was 10 points lower than her scores in the Regionals.
She seemed discouraged but her mother tried to make her keep her chins up.
She placed 1st tentatively but five competitors still waited for their turns. Within 4 places, you would qualify for Nationals. Other five competitors have good quality skills as Jessica does.
Jessica Hu Qualified for Nationals by getting 3rd place.
She would leave for San Jose For the Nationals which she had always dreamed of.
"Don't try to kill your butterflies in your stomach, instead, make them fly over the ice rink."
Just before U.S. Nationals I sent e-mail to Jessica and her mom, Kathy.
Because I thought that her first Nationals would be great pressure as much as exciting.
At the e-mail, I linked a video, Yuna Kim’s Youth Olympic Games promotion Video. “Gets ready to compete”
(You can assumed it from Jessica’s free skating costume.
Her idol is Yuna Kim. Her programs were “Danse Macabre” and “Scheherazade.”)
I got her brief reply, “Thanks for sending the links to me. They are very helpful. I will do my best in the National.” However, unfortunately, Jessica didn’t show her potentials at 2012 US National at Junior in San Jose. She got 110.12 which is 27 lower than her regional scores and placed 11th among 12 participants. According to her mother’s mail after Nationals, Jessica didn’t deliver not only because she was so nervous but also because she didn’t know there was something wrong with her skate blade which led to losing her jump consistency.
My mother has told me that my failures at college application had been so little thing which would be compared with other followed accidents which happened to me, because I have made her care about me in many ways.
I think someday Kathy also will remember this season as one of reminiscent as my mother does my SAT.
Also Jessica will attend bigger competitions and will show someday her potentials with her butterflies flying over a rink beautifully.
For figure skaters, Mom is the closest friend, a meticulous coach and loving family. Sometimes they argue with each other but shortly they became get along well.
So their relationship between figure skaters and their mom is more intimate and touching than any other relationship.
At "Star on Ice" I watched at Hamilton, Joannie Rochette reminded me of her performance at 2010 Olympics at Vancouver. Her mother must watch her performance from heaven with smile and must be proud of her. A few days later, there would be Korean Parent’s day. After posting this, I called my mother in South Korea. “Mom, I am all right. Don’t worry about me and please be healthy”
I would like to end my posting with London Olympic Games advertisement.