"All That Skate Spring 2012 - Figure Skating Rock One" is held in Seoul from May 4th to 6th

Unfortunately, I stay far from Korea, I could not attend.

By watching ATS spring at Youtube videos, However, I felt again the passion and emotion I had got at last All That Skate Summer,

Especially this event was one of the best casting ice shows.

Reigning Men's Olympic Champion Evan LYSACEK and World Champion Patrick CHAN

Reigning Ladies' Olympic Champion Yuna KIM and World Champion Carolina KOSTNER

Pair's reigning Olympic Champion Xue SHEN/ Hongbo ZHAO

and Worlds' silver medalist Tatiana VOLOSOZHAR / Maxim TRANKOV 

appeared at the same show.

Are you kidding me?

For Ice dancing,

prominent ice dancers could not appear at ATS spring 2012.

Reigning World Champion and Olympic champion Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir

and their eternal rivalry, Meryl Davis and Charlie White

performed at Stars on Ice Canada in Ontario.

Actually, It was good for me....lol,

because I watched Stars on Ice Canada last Friday in Hamilton.

I wrote my impression with photos and videos.

Oh...it was amazing and sophisticated show.

Here is the link http://spiral9509.tistory.com/95

In sum, last weekend was so busy and awesome for skating fans like me.


At All That Skate Spring 2012,

Yuna KIM showed her new Gala programs.

(Daum Yuna KIM fan forum)

She delivers new Gala programs.

as she always did.

"All of Me" by Michael Buble

"Someone like You" by Adele

With totally different tone music, she showed amazing performances.

At this ATS spring event,

not only (almost) regular casting, Patrick Chan, Stephen Lambiel, Alissa Czisny,

Jamie Sale / David Palletier and Xue SHEN/ Hongbo ZHAO 

but also Carolina Kostner, Even Lysacek and Volosozhar / Maxim Trankov

showed their elegant programs in front of dedicated Figure Skating fans in Seoul.

I hope they will be regular ones too.

Also, "Yuna Kids" such as Min-jeong KWAK, Hae-jin KIM and Jin-seo KIM

showed what a scene-stealer means.

They not only got the crowd but also enjoyed the show.

Of course, I was so glad to see

Yuna and her friends, top figure skaters from all over the world 

enjoyed the show

with enthusiastic Korean figure skating fans.

The title of this event was "Figure Skating Rock One"

"Rock One" sounds like 낙원(樂園) that means "Paradise" in Korean.

I envy those who watched and experienced the Figure Skating Paradise.

Here are programs and video links.

official English homepage 


Opening - Avatar Mix (1st day)

김연아 (Yu-na Kim)  All of Me  (1st day, right angle)

김연아 (Yu-na Kim)  All of Me  (1st day, mid right angle)

김연아 (Yuna KIM) - All of Me  (1st day, Left angle)

김연아 (Yuna KIM) - All of Me  (2nd day)

김연아 (Yuna KIM) - All of Me  (3rd day)

김연아 (Yu-na KIM)  Someone like You (1st day, right angle)

김연아 (Yu-na KIM)  Someone like You (1st day, Mid right angle)

김연아 (Yu-na KIM) Someone like You  (1st day, Left angle)

김연아 (Yu-na KIM) Someone like You  (2nd day)

김연아 (Yu-na KIM) Someone like You  (last day's performance)

김연아 (Yu-na KIM) Someone like You  (last day's performance)

Evan Lysacek (에반 라이사첵) -  El Tango de Roxanne (록산느의 탱고)

Evan Lysacek (에반 라이사첵) -  El Tango de Roxanne (록산느의 탱고) last day

Evan Lysacek (에반 라이사첵) -  The Climb

Evan Lysacek (이반 라이사첵) -  The Climb (Last Day)

Xue SHEN/ Hongbo ZHAO (쉔 슈/ 자오 홍보) - Tian Xia  Wu Shuang

Xue SHEN/ Hongbo ZHAO (쉔 슈/ 자오 홍보) - Tian Xia  Wu Shuang (last day)

쉔 슈/ 자오 홍보 (Xue SHEN/ Hongbo ZHAO) I Will Be There

Patrick Chan (패트릭 챈) - Mannish Boy

Patrick Chan (패트릭 챈) - Mannish Boy (last day)

Patrick Chan (패트릭 챈) - Elegie in E Flat minor (by Rachmaninoff)

블라디미르 베세딘 / 올렉세이 폴리슈츄크 - Ice Acrobatic: Swan Lake 

Tatiana Volosozhar / Maxim Trankov - I Will Always Love You (1st day, Middle shot)

Tatiana Volosozhar / Maxim Trankov - I Will Always Love You (1st day, Long Shot)

Tatiana Volosozhar / Maxim Trankov - Bring me to the Life

Jamie Sale / David Palletier - Scream

Jamie Sale / David Palletier - Who Wants to Live Forever

Carolina Kostner (캐롤리나 코스트너) -  Hallelujah (할렐루야)

Carolina Kostner (캐롤리나 코스트너) -  Hallelujah (할렐루야) (last day)

Carolina Kostner (캐롤리나 코스트너) -  It's So Quiet (last day)

Stephane Lambiel - Rigoletto

Alissa Czisny - La Vi en Rose

Alissa Czisny - I like the Way You Move

Stephane Lambiel - My Body is a Cage

김해진 (Hae-jin KIM)  Moonlight Sonata (월광) (우측 앵글)

김해진 (Hae-jin KIM)  Moonlight Sonata (월광) (정면앵글)

김진서 (Jin-seo KIM) Fantastic Baby (1st day)

김진서 (Jin-seo KIM) Fantastic Baby (last day, left angle)

김진서 (Jin-seo KIM) Fantastic Baby (last day, Front angle)

곽민정 (Min-jeong KWAK)  The Truth Is

Finale 1st day

Finale Just like Paradise (우측 앵글)

Finale - Just like Paradise (우중간 앵글)

Curtain Call 1 - Without You

Curtain Call 2

Finale (last day)

Finale 1 - Just like Paradise (Left Angle)

Finale 2 (Left Angle)

Finale 1-2 (Right Angle)

Curtain Call (left angle)

Curtain Call 1 (right angle)

Curtain Call 2 (right angle)

오프 아이스 보너스 영상 (Off Ice Bonus Clips)

Rock One Dance(with Mingeong,Haejin,Jinseo)

Rock One Dance (with Yuna Kim)

Rock One Dance Flash Mob

Press Conference about Yuna Kim's new Gala Programs (Yuna Kim, David Wilson)

All that Spring 2012 press conference (Yuna KIM)

All that Spring 2012 Press Conference (David Wilson, Carolina Kostner, Evan Lysacek, Patrick Chan)

Official Practice

Farewell to Yuna at 1st day.

Press Conference after last day's performance (Patrick Chan)

Documentary about Jin-Seo KIM : "The Day - All That Skate Spring 2012" (No translation yet, sorry)


On May 4th, I watched Stars on Ice Canada 2012 in Hamilton

First of all, Kurt Browning's talent as a choreographer and show director is amazing.
Especially interlude programs by so called "the 4 Stops" (Kurt Browning, Jeffrey Buttle, Scott Moir, Jeremy Abbott) were so funny and witty.
At another men's performance was (modern) ice dance to "Waiting for my Real Life to Begin," Jeremy, Jeffrey, Scott and Andrew use lighting like stage property and it becomes skaters' choreography itself.

Act 2 opening program inspired by Pixar's animation "Up" was so touching and well-directed short story.
Also, it was so theatrical, as if separate time and space coexist in the ice.

I enjoyed Rochette's smile and her rhythmical choreography.

Of course, three Ice dancing teams were so precious in this show...
What a great speed and steps!!!
Needless to say Virtue/Moir and Davis/White, and especially Weaver/Poje's passionate FS made audiences in Hamilton applause on their feet.

The audiences in Hamilton were impressive and warm-hearted.

They remained, even after the show was done.
Whenever a few skaters repeated their programs for TV editing, audiences gave applause to encourage skaters to succeed in jumps.

Even though I missed first 15 minutes due to traffic jam at the Canadian/US border and I had heavy rain storm in returning,
it deserved it.

I used to see "All That Skate," the ice show as I lived in S.Korea.

The show was also amazing with passion and dedication of figure skating fans in Seoul.

Here is posting about the "All That Skate" this year. http://spiral9509.tistory.com/96

I have missed an Ice show so much since I arrived in the U.S.,

but I could not afford to go.

I have watched competitions in North America such as Skate Canada International, US Regionals and Sectionals (In case of Skate Canada, I watched Gala too),
but this show was my first experiences of Ice Show in North America

SOI Canada 2012 was totally nice and sophisticated show...
I can not wait to see SOI Canada (or US) 2013.

I link the videos and photos of "Stars on Ice 2012 Canada."

Most photos and some videos are shot by me in Hamilton show.

Most of videos I link were shot in Halifax show,
which I found at youtube.

Thanks so much for the fancams.

Enjoy the show!!!



Sweet (but they insist business) dance couple  Tessa Virue & Scott Moir 테사 버츄 & 스캇 모이어


Lindt chocolate promotion!!!

Who else should be the couple hosting the promotion except Tessa and Scott?

They presented a Lindt cholaate basket to a romantic gray couple

Another Lindt Chocolate promotion in Ottawa

"Ain't no mountain high enough"

Passionate Kaytlin Weaver & Andrew Poje (케이틀린 위버 & 앤드류 포제)

They got standing ovation from audiences after performing  "Je Suis Malade."

"Je Suis Malade"

"Shake It Out"

And special guest appears with speedy steps and choreography.

Meryl Davis & Charlie White (메릴 데이비스 & 찰리 화이트)

"Die Fledermaus" (박쥐) (just excerpt...sorry)

 Kurt Browing (커트 브라우닝) "Feeling Good"

The 4 Stops (Kurt Browning, Scott Moir, Jeffrey Buttle, Jeremy Abbott)

Jeremy Abbott, Jeffrey Buttle, Scott Moir, Andrew Poje

"Waiting for My Real Life"

(Victoria, Canada)

1부 피날레 Act 1 Finale - Rolling in the Deep


(Hershey, PA, USA)

(Lake Placid, NY, USA)


Zamboni time, Ice Resurfacing....

A Photo with skater' autograph, 20 Canadian $...I tried not to buy them...but finally I bought Virtue & Moir's photo...NO regret lol

There was a long line. I gave up buying nuts...so hungry....

just before act II

Act II Opening "A Life Loved"  - "Up" OST

Kurt as a old man

Kaytin Weaver / Andrew Poje & (reflecting his younger days) Kurt Browing

Virtue / Moir  & Kurt Browning

Couple became romance gray. (Kurt & Joannie)

His wife facing death (Joannie)

Kaytiln Weaver

Tessa Virtue

Joannie Rochette


Kurt's farewell to his wife


조애니 로셰 (Joannie Rochette)



Jeremy Abbot (제레미 애봇)

"Sing, Sing, Sing"

"I Won't Give Up"

Shawn Sawyer (션 소이어)

"We Speak No Americano"


Jeffrey Buttle (제프리 버틀)

"Big Love"

"Both Sides Now"

SOI Girls...

(Kaitlyn Weaver, Tessa Virtue, Joannie Rochette, Cynthia Phaneuf, Ashely Wagner, )

"Good Feeling"

(Winnipeg, Canada)

Ashley Wagner (애슐리 와그너)

"Your Song"

Cynthia Phaneuf (신시아 파뉴프)

"Let Me Think about It"

"Je l'aime a Mourir"

Act II Finale - Dog Days are Over

(Halifax 1)

(Halifax 2)


(Hershey, PA, US)




Additional Jump Clips for TV editing and Shawn's warm farewell

As I said above,
The audiences remained, even after the show was done.
Whenever a few skaters repeated their jumps for TV editing, audiences gave applause to encourage skaters to succeed in jumps.

Cynthia Phaneuf

Joannie Rochette

Shawn Sawyer's farewell

Off Bonus

Practice - Rolling in the deep (Hershey, PA, US)

E1 올 댓 스케이트 스프링 2012 - 피겨낙원

(All That Skate Spring 2012 - Figure Skating Rock One)

5월 4일부터 6일까지 열렸습니다.

(If you are an English speaking user, here is English posting. Enjoy the show!!


저는 비록 먼 곳에 있어 가지 못했지만,

지난 올댓 섬머 2011 직관에서 느꼈던 열기와 감동을

유튜브 동영상으로나마 다시 느낄 수 있었습니다.

공연이 끝나고, MBC 중계방송이 있었는데요.

저는 외국에 있어 MBC 중계는 보지 못했습니다.

대신 유튜브에 올라온 개별 영상들을 보면서,

그 열기를 짐작하고 있습니다.

이번 공연은 단연코 베스트 캐스팅의 공연이라고 말할 수 있습니다.

"올댓 스케이트 스프링 2012"은

남여싱글 현 월챔,올챔,

그리고 페어 현 올챔과 월드 2위가 모두 참가한 아이스쇼 였으니까요.

다만 아이스 댄싱의 경우

"스타즈 온 아이스 2012" 캐나다 공연 관계로

현역 올챔, 월챔인 버모네와 그리고 그들의 영원한 라이벌 전 월챔 찰메네가 올 수 없었습니다.

(어.,,저는 덕분에 아이스댄스의 최고 퍼포먼스를 볼 수 있었지만...^^

지난 금요일, 집에서 1시간 30분 거리인 캐나다 해밀턴에 가서

Stars on Ice Canada 2012를 볼 수 있었습니다. 관련 사진 및 비디오 포스팅은 http://spiral9509.tistory.com/93 )

이번 공연의 관심은 역시

김연아 선수의 새 갈라 프로그램이었습니다.

(사진 출처: 다음 행복한 슽케이터 김연아 팬카페)

"All of Me" 그리고 "Someone like You"

최근 가장 핫한 두 뮤지션 부블레와 아델의

(부블레는 캐나다, 아델은 영국 뮤지션이죠...)

전혀 다른 분위기의 두곡을 가지고

역시 기대만큼 멋진공연을 선사했습니다.

또한 이번 공연에는 올댓스케이트 쇼의 단골 손님

페트릭 챈, 스테판 랑비엘, 알리사 시즈니, 쉔 슈/자오 홍보 뿐만 아니라

캐롤라인 코스트너, 이반 라이사첵, 볼로소자/트란코프 등 그 동안

올댓 스케이트에서 볼 수 없던 선수들도 대거 참여했습니다.

한국 피겨의 후속세대, 곽민정, 김해진, 김진서 선수의 공연도 눈을 뗄수가 없었습니다.

이 많은 관중들 앞에서 공연한 경험은 이들의 다음 시즌에 커다란 자산이 될 것입니다.

그리고 무엇보다도 행복해하는 김연아 선수의 모습을 보는 것이

참 기쁘네요...

올댓스케이트 스프링 공연에 가셨던 분들에게 무한한 부러움을 느끼며,

이번 공연 동영상들을 링크해 봅니다.

Opening - Avatar Mix (1st day)

김연아 (Yu-na Kim)  All of Me  (1st day, 우측 앵글)

김연아 (Yu-na Kim)  All of Me  (1st day, 우중간 앵글)

김연아 (Yuna KIM) - All of Me  (1st day, 좌측 앵글)

김연아 (Yuna KIM) - All of Me  (2nd day)

김연아 (Yuna KIM) - All of Me  (3rd day)

김연아 (Yu-na KIM)  Someone like You (1st day, 우측 앵글)

김연아 (Yu-na KIM)  Someone like You (1st day, 우중간 앵글)

김연아 (Yu-na KIM) Someone like You  (1st day, 좌측각도)

김연아 (Yu-na KIM) Someone like You  (둘째날, 2nd day)

김연아 (Yu-na KIM) Someone like You  (막공, last day's performance)

김연아 (Yu-na KIM) Someone like You  (막공, last day's performance)

Evan Lysacek (에반 라이사첵) -  El Tango de Roxanne (록산느의 탱고)

Evan Lysacek (에반 라이사첵) -  El Tango de Roxanne (록산느의 탱고) last day

Evan Lysacek (에반 라이사첵) -  The Climb

Evan Lysacek (이반 라이사첵) -  The Climb (last day)

쉔 슈/ 자오 홍보 (Xue SHEN/ Hongbo ZHAO - Tian Xia  Wu Shuang

쉔 슈/ 자오 홍보 (Xue SHEN/ Hongbo ZHAO - Tian Xia  Wu Shuang (last day)

쉔 슈/ 자오 홍보 (Xue SHEN/ Hongbo ZHAO) I Will Be There

Patrick Chan (패트릭 챈) - Mannish Boy

Patrick Chan (패트릭 챈) - Mannish Boy (last day)

Patrick Chan (패트릭 챈) - Elegie in E Flat minor (by Rachmaninoff)

블라디미르 베세딘 / 올렉세이 폴리슈츄크 - Ice Acrobatic: Swan Lake 

타티아나 볼로소자/ 막심 트란코프 (Tatiana Volosozhar / Maxim Trankov) - I Will Always Love You (1st day, Middle shot)

I Will Always Love You (1st day, Long Shot)

타티아나 볼로소자 / 막심 트란코프 (Tatiana Volosozhar / Maxim Trankov) - Bring me to the Life

Jamie Sale / David Palletier - Scream

Jamie Sale / David Palletier - Who Wants to Live Forever

Carolina Kostner (캐롤리나 코스트너) -  Hallelujah (할렐루야)

Carolina Kostner (캐롤리나 코스트너) -  Hallelujah (할렐루야) (방송버젼)

Carolina Kostner (캐롤리나 코스트너) -  It's So Quiet (last day)

Stephane Lambiel - Rigoletto

Alissa Czisny - La Vien Rose

Alissa Czisny - I like the Way You Move

Stephane Lambiel - My Body is a Cage

김해진 (Hae-jin KIM)  Moonlight Sonata (월광) (우측앵글)

김해진 (Hae-jin KIM)  Moonlight Sonata (월광) (정면앵글)

김진서 (Jin-seo KIM) Fantastic Baby (1st day)

김진서 (Jin-seo KIM) Fantastic Baby (last day, 왼쪽)

김진서 (Jin-seo KIM) Fantastic Baby (last day, 정면)

곽민정 (Min-jeong KWAK)  The Truth Is

Finale 1st day

Finale Just like Paradise (우측 앵글)

Finale - Just like Paradise (우중간 앵글)

Curtain Call 1 - Without You

Curtain Call 2

Finale (last day)

Finale 1 - Just like Paradise (Left Angle)

Finale 2 (Left Angle)

Finale 1-2 (Right Angle)

Curtain Call (left angle)

Curtain Call 1 (right angle)

Curtain Call 2 (right angle)

오프 아이스 보너스 영상 (Off Ice Bonus Clips)

Rock One Dance(with Mingeong,Haejin,Jinseo)

Rock One Dance (with Yuna Kim)

낙원댄스 김연아 팬클럽 플래시 몹

김연아 새갈라 프로그램 소개 (김연아, 데이비드 윌슨 인터뷰)

올댓 스프링 2012 사전 인터뷰 1 (김연아)

올댓 스프링 2012 사전 인터뷰 2 (김연아)

올댓 스프링 2012 사전 인터뷰 3 (데이빗 윌슨, 캐롤라인 코스트너, 에반 라이사첵, 패트릭 챈)


첫날 공연 후 기자 회견 (김연아)

첫날 공연 후 김연아 선수 배웅 영상

마지막 공연 후 기자 회견 (패트릭 챈)

김진서 다큐 "그날" - 올댓 스프링 2012


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