여자싱글 최종 결과 Ladies Final Results

여자싱글 프리 스케이팅 결과 Ladies FS Results

1. Julia Lipnitskaia (RUS) 율리아 리프니츠카야

Euro Sports

CBC (Canada) commented by Brenda Irving and Tracy Wilson

2. Gracie Gold (USA) 그레이시 골드


CBC (Canada) commented by Brenda Irving and Tracy Wilson

3. Adelina Sotnikova (RUS) 아델리나 소트니코바


CBC (Canada) commented by Brenda Irving and Tracy Wilson

4. Polina Shelepen (RUS) 폴리나 셀레펜

5. Zijun Li (CHN) 리지준

6. Satokko MIYAHARA (JPN) 미야하라 사토코

8. Hae-Jin KIM (KOR) 김해진

Thank you so much for every Fancam and PBP during events. (FSU rocks)
They show and speak more than any other super High definition Videos on live and famous commentators.

If you find any broken links, please let me know by comments.
I am updating other Video Links NOW.

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피겨는 언어다 Skating is Language

피겨 주니어 세계선수권 남자싱글에 한국대표로  참가중인
김해진 선수가 한국시각으로 3월 4일 새벽에 끝난 (이하 한국시각)
결선 프리경기에서 98.15의 점수를 기록하며 총점 149.71로 8위를 기록했다.

한편. 러시아의 리프츠니카야가 총점 187.05로 1위

그레이시 골드(미국)가 안정된 점프와 높이로 총점 171.85로 2위를

전년도 우승자 아델리나 소트니코바(러시아)가 트리플 룹에서 넘어지며 168.45로 3위를 기록했다.

멘델스존의 바이올린 협주곡에 맞춰 프리프로그램을 연기한

김해진 선수는 트리플 토룹-트리플 토룹 콤비 점프, 트리플 살코, 트리플 플립 등의 점프를 안정적으로 랜딩했을 뿐만

아니라 스핀과 스텝에서도 모두 레벨 3 이상을 얻었다.

하지만  후반부 트리플 룹에서 넘어지고 트리플 럿츠에서 롱엣지를 받아 포디움에서 멀어지는 아쉬움을 남겼다.

프리 점수 98.15 =  기술점수 52.71 + 구성점수 46.44, - Deduction 1.00

이번 대회에서 김해진 선수가 받은 총점 149.71점은 

지난 1월의 비공인 퍼스날 베스트 167.71에는 못미치지만

JGP 브라소브 컵에서 기록한 ISU 공인기록 144.61에

5.1 점이나 앞선 김해진 선수의 ISU 공인 시즌 베스트 기록이다.

김해진 선수 프로토콜

한편, 한국은 이번 대회에서 김해진 선수가 개인순위 8위를 기록함에  따라

개인 순위 10위 까지 주어지는 다음시즌 주니어 세계선수권(2013년 2월 말 이탈리아 밀라노)에 2장의 출전권을 따냈다.

또한 국가 순위는 5위를 기록함에 따라

다음 시즌 주니어 그랑프리에는 올해보다 2장 늘어난 7장의 출전권을 가지게 되어

모든 주니어 그랑프리 대회에 선수를 파견할 수 있게 되었다.

2012-13 주니어 그랑프리는

8월 22일부터 매주 한번씩 총 7번에 걸쳐 개최되며,

이중 성적 우수자 6명이 12월초 러시아 소치에서 열리는 주니어 그랑프리 파이널에 초청된다.

한국의 JGP 출전자는 예년의 경우 8월 초에 개최되는 주니어 선발전에 의하여 결정되어 왔다.

1-5위 선수들의 프로토콜

Julia Lipnitskaya

Gracie Gold

Adelina Sotnikova

Polina Shelepen

Zijun Li

Schedule of Events
(Time zone Eastern Time in U.S.)

2/29 (Wed)
05:00~08:50 Ice Dancing SD
11:15~14:35 Pairs SP

3/1 (Thur)
05:30~09:55 Men SP
11:30~14:20 Pairs FS

3/2 (Fri)
05:00~09:25 Ladies SP
11:00~14:10 Ice Dancing FD

3/3 (Sat)
05:00~08:50 Men FS
10:30~14:15 Ladies FS

3/4 (Sun)
06:30~9:30     Gala

The Contenders for the Podium 

They has been also list for podium poll in FSU. (except Polina Shelepen due to the recent substitution)

Name    /   Nationality  /  ISU personal best    /  competition results.

Julia LIPNITSKAIA   RUS     183.05  /  JGPF 1st, Russian Junior Nationals 1st
Adelina SOTNIKOVA   RUS     178.97 /  2011 Junior World Championship 1st, YOG 2nd
Gracie GOLD        USA     172.69  /  JGP Tallinn 1st, U.S. Nationals Junior 1st
Christina GAO      USA     167.14  / 2011 Jr World Championship 4th, GP China 5th
Polina SHELEPEN    RUS    162.34  / JGPF 2nd, Russian Junior Nationals 2nd
Satoko MIYAHARA    JPN     162.20  /  JGP Gdanisk 2nd
Risa SHOJI         JPN      157.83  / JGPF 6th
Vanessa LAM        USA     156.58  /  JGPF 5th
Zijun LI           CHN     156.40 / JGPF 4th
Joshi HELGESSON    SWE     149.08 (Sr)  /  European Championships 10th
Hae-Jin KIM        KOR      144.61  / JGP Brasov 3rd
Miu SATO           JPN      141.52 / JGP Innsbruck 4th

These are brief informations of each competitors and video links for their recent competitions.

Julia LIPNITSKAIA  (RUS) 183.05

   172 is her lowest scores in this season.
    Later part in the season, she scored from late 170  to early 180.
    Also she placed 2nd at Russain Senior Nationals in last December and won the Russian Junior Nationals in February. 
    Her scores in both junior nationals and seneior ones were over 190, even though it were not international competitions.
    Jump consistency through this season and acrobatic signature "i" spin are her strong points.

SP (Russian  Junior Nationals) 65.28   2A, 3T+3T, 3Lz

FS (Russain Junior Nationals) 126.64   2A+3T+2T, 2A+3T, 3Lz, 3Lo, 3F+2T, 3F, 3S

Adelina SOTNIKOVA (RUS) 178.97

  Defending Junior World champion.
  Her score oscilitated from 159 to late 160 through the season.
   In last Decmber, she won the Russian Nationals senior but she was defeated by Tuktamisheva in Youth Olympic Games in January, losing jump consistency again.
   Her second medal at Junior World Championship will depend on her jump consistency which came back and went away repeatedly. 

SP Russian National Sr.

FS Russian National Sr.

Gracie GOLD (USA) 172.69

   She won last JPG with 172.69 scores and in January she finally became US National junior champion with overall score 178.92 while showing stable jump consistency and impressive height in her triple-triple.
   She became the talk of the town among US figure skating fans.
   Actually, last season, she failed in advancing nationals.
   However, she went through that bitter experience with the help of a sports psychologist and finally got guts and came back as a junior National champion this season. She added that she could keep her pace in big events in her interview just after winning the junior national title. Can she feel free from the pressure at Junior World Championship? 
SP   U.S. National Junior

FS   U.S. Nationals junior

Polina SHELEPEN  (RUS) 162.34
   For two months, Polina looked like a completely different skater at each two Russian nationals.
   At senior Nationals in last December, she failed in various jumps and was placed at 10th with disappointng overall score 154.78
   At junior Nationals in early Feburuary, she landed all three 3-3 combination jumps; 3T-3T in SP and 3Lz-3T, 3S-3T in FS. She won 2nd place with 182.54 (61.93 / 120.61) just behind LIPNITSKAIA
   At Junior World Championships, she will finally show us who was real Polina Shelepen; an unstable splatting skater or a prominent triple triple combination master?

SP Russian Nationals Junior 3T+3T, 3Lz, 2A

FS  Russain Nationals Junior 3Lz+3T, 3S+3T, 3Lo, 3F(e)+2T+2Lo, 2A, 3Lz, 2A

Except these "New Big Fours," ("new" is added, because Polina Shelphen substitutes for Tuktamysheva),

The places of other competitors within 12th places
will depend on their condition on the competition day.

Let me show you their recent programs through Youtube links.

Christina GAO (USA)

SP 2012 US Nationals Sr.

FS 2012 US Nationals Sr.

Satoko Miyahara (JPN)

Even though she failed in advancing JGP Final.
In late December, she won Japanese Junior Natioals with 172.17 scores.

SP Japanese Nationals Junior

FS JGP Baltic Cup


SP JGP Final

FS JGP Final

Vanessa LAM (USA)

SP JGP Final

FS JGP Final

Zijun LI (CHN)

SP Chinese National Winter Games

FS Chinese National Winter Games


SP European Championship

FS European Championship

Hae-Jin KIM (KOR)

In January, she won her third S.Korean National title with decent scores, 167.73
She landed 3T-3T in short and tried 3F-3T in Free.

SP 2012 S.Korean Nationals 

FS 2012 S.Korean Nationals 


She placed 5th with 163.86 scores in Japanese Senior Nationals in last December.

SP Japanese Nationals Sr.

FS Janpanese Nationals Sr.


Despite her absence from ISU competitions in this season,
another competitor from Canada should be mentioned,

Kaetlyn Osmond (CAN)

This is her first international competition appearance in this season.
She was not so successful at 2010-2011 ISU jgp,
but got a spotlight at Canadian Senior Nationals in January, winning bronze medal with overall score 155.47.

SP Canada Nationals Sr.

FS Canada Nationals Sr.


Podium Scores Prediction

last two seasons's Jr. world Championship podium scores

2010 Junior World Championship
    1   165.47 Kanako Murakamki 
    2   156.79 Agnes Zawadzki
    3.  154.27 Polina Agafonova

2011 Junior World Championship
    1  174.96 Adelina Sotnikova   
    2   169.11 Elizavetha Tuktamysheva
    3   161.37 Agnes Zawadzki  

Due to new faces such as Gracie GOLD and Julia LIPNITSKAIA
Minimum scores to stand podium may be

My Podium Prediction

Silver: Gracie GOLD

(Sorry that they are overlapped with everybody's prediction....)

Chasers: Christina GAO, Zijun LEE, Hae-Jin KIM, Satoko MIYAHARA


For Men Preview SEE:


If you have some difficulties in watching the Video clips, please let me know by writing comments.

It will be also fun to look around other posts in my blog through Google translator.
But remember that don't trust the translator so much, because it gives you often many errors especially from Korean into English.

Finally, Junior Worlds week !!! 

- spiral9509 -
"Skating is Language" 

'Posting in English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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2012 Worlds Preview Ice dance  (0) 2012.03.28
2012 Worlds Preview Men  (0) 2012.03.28
2012 Worlds Preview Ladies  (0) 2012.03.28
Junior Worlds : Men Preview (Video Links)  (0) 2012.02.28

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